Thursday 22 October 2015

How to clear CA final Group 1


This is a small input on how to crack CA final group 1 papers... I know, I said nothing serious just fun, but this is something I would like to do for my friends..This has no voice track or fun here..

In final level group 1 is very easy(seriously.. trust me) to crack if you follow this methodology meticulously before exams..I did this and I finished off group 1, but for a while I am doing group 2 now.. Still haven't cleared..Group 2 is draining all my energy out.. This strategy which worked on me for group 1 is not working for group 2.. Anyhow I would like to share my views on group 1.. If someone can help me in group 2 please let me know...I am just tired of writing it again and again..extremely bored, I am in that stage now..

Okay about Group 1 preparation and exams, here it goes:

First of all, Its about conviction... Yes! I might sound odd but its definitely about conviction... you need to BELIEVE in the books you learn from.. Be it study material, compilation practice manual or any author written books.. whatever be it you must believe that, that book is enough to secure 90+ marks. Most of the time what we do is, after finishing almost around 75% of the book we re-evaluate whether this book is enough.. there were only 10 sums in a particular chapter... will it be sufficient to score??? We do this evaluation just before exam.. So what i suggest is, spend your time in selecting the book.. may be even a week's time to select that book which is comfortable for you.. while selecting don't be influenced by other friends or sirs or anyone else, select what you can.. considering the time you have and whether the language is okay for you and whether you believe that book will get the score you dream off.. After selection of book do not confuse yourself or don't even talk about it to your friends they might be following other books which they are comfortable with.. That has nothing to do with you... End to end honestly every book has only past examination questions and the presentation alone changes slightly, not fully. Any book is a good book. The thing here is we don't have conviction on all books.. That's why I am suggesting you to select a book which you are more than convinced about marks and exams.. This is the first important step of everything and this only takes a lot of time.. once this is done all the rest of the puzzles will fall in its place automatically..

Secondly, work out the sums..seeing is not enough, and seeing doesn't improve not test yourself at the beginning itself.. see the solution and workout first..

Thirdly, Don't leave any topic on choice.. See everything.. May be one topic in a subject you can see "NOT SO THOROUGHLY" but the rest through knowledge is required.. NOT SO THOROUGHLY means you can start the sum and complete it up to 75% .. Don't take this chance on important chapters.. take it on less important chapters..

Fourthly, find your assets.. whether your good in theory or your good in sums.. this evaluation you need to do and figure out which are your strong areas and which are your not so strong areas (There are no weak areas). Once your done with this you will know which subjects you need to aim for 90+ marks.. Only when you aim for stars you'll reach the tree top.. In first group I worked out every sum in paper 2 Strategic Financial Management still I ended up in 40's only.. I am not scaring you.. I could have forgotten or blacked out or anything could have happened.. but, had I not got that 40.. I would have written it again right??

Fifthly, While preparing don't think of "What if I fail" you really have no idea how much effect that one negative thought has.. Trust me I can say this because I have written many attempts for group 2, and now I am almost in zero or in sub zero level of motivation.. After seeing continuous failures of group 2 I fail to think positively.. So don't even slightly give in that one heavy thought.. It drains off the energy in you leaving nothing.. Picturise yourself seeing the result and shouting "I PASSED" that helps.. Initially its a fake picture you need to fake it, but after 10 days of preparation you will start believing in it.. Your CONVICTION will take you forward.. You need to BELIEVE.. If I(Anusha) can do it, definitely anybody can do it..I am not anyone close to a nerd or intelligent girl or anything at all actually..

Sixth, For paper 1 and 2, Financial reporting and Strategic financial management work out 25 question papers.. don't avoid the theory questions.. There are advantages in working out a question paper.. firstly there are chances that mostly the same sum gets repeated. secondly, all the chapters are covered in a question paper.. A question paper is a collection of questions from various chapters.. you see yourself after working out 10 question papers you will know the difference..more than chapter wise preparation question papers help, i would say. But that's my way of preparation you checkout what you are comfortable with.

Seventh, In Financial reporting exams do not sit with the big questions if you are stuck up somewhere in it.. very rarely people get 16 marks full for these sums.. Don't panic if you have not completed it have that conviction and move forward to the next sum.. Again CONVICTION is important here.. once you panic and stop believing you will make simple mistakes in the following sums and you may not complete the paper on time..first exam is very important on hope levels..I just want you to believe that for everyone its the same so if you had not completed on time , others too have not.. nobody has in fact, so everyone is going to get only less marks for 16 marks sum and not full marks. Its not just you.. Understand that!!

Eighth, For Auditing and Law correlate the standards sections and judgments.. read them daily 2 hours.. end of 2 hours just mark a point and start from the next day from the point.. It helps.. I did this..daily I read.. I kept aside 2 hours for this alone..

Ninth, prepare for all 4 papers everyday.. touch should be there in all the papers.. nothing should be new uneasy uncomfortable..Don't keep counting the number of hours of preparation and compare with others.. not worthy, I would say..

Tenth, Attempt for 100 marks.. very very important..

Eleventh, Don't place your aims to get in 60's.. You will get only in 40's.. Place them for 80's.. you will end up in 50's clearing the group...

Twelfth, Don't discuss the paper after its over.. one paper's preparation or exam shouldn't put you down over for the rest.. What if you get exactly 40 in your assessment of bad paper.. you will need aggregate from the rest right?? besides, after writing what can you do about it?? Nothing changes??

Thirteenth, If your meant to be.. you will be, if not, no matter how hard you try you wont.. nothing philosophical and all, just saying that there is a greater force above all us..I am not so much of a religious person.. I believe in God though.. Life is worth living it, just because we do CA nothing changes, so enjoy and have fun.. Like and do whatever you do.. take charge and responsibility.. the truth about writing CA exams again and again is that, when we answer that single question in our minds "have we given our 100% in this exam?" the answer is "NO." That could be because of anything from being sick to someone expiring at home, all could be genuine reasons.. I am not trying to judge anyone, your reason might be valid, but nobody wants reasons.. when they ask you "have you cleared your exams say yes or no.. please answer in binary?" you need to answer that and trust me telling a "NO" pains after a period.. people will start judging you, your potential and your capabilities.. they will make you feel like "you cant" and you will start believing in that.. You will let yourself believe that you cant!I did and I am still doing.. I am on the verge of finishing CA, that's what everyone thinks, but only I know how close I am to quitting CA..

Anyway, putting my story aside...This is what I did for first group and I got through.. Second group I have no idea.. Every time I am losing marks in ISCA.. There is no pattern though.. Over time I am only being irritated about studying the same thing again and again..I might quit too.. who knows??!!! Definitely there's an end for everything....

And by the way when you believe in something.. follow it blindly.. no questions further because questioning itself brings in doubts.. Just saying follow whatever it is with CONVICTION completely..


If this message has helped you, I am happy..If not, I just hope you find your exam strategy as soon as possible and clear out in flying colors!!

If someone can tell me anything about second group CA final it would be a irreplaceable favor. Thank you.


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