Monday 26 October 2015

The situation BEST doesn't exist !!

I think, I am more of a factual person, I recently read this somewhere which said:

There are only two ways to live our lives: 

1. To think that everything is a miracle or 2. To think that nothing is a miracle.

I second that..

The situation 'Best' is only hypothetical and it doesn't exist..There is no best 'whatever' in this world.

How am I saying this so sure?..You want to know?

Here are the facts;

What you call best, is best for you.. Not for everyone..I can define best in so many other ways than taking your inputs..Let me explain with an example.

Who is a best friend? State 3 qualities:

I would probably say:

1. One who stands by us no matter what
2. One who is not in-secured or jealous of us
3. One whom we will answer to, no matter how busy we are

These are the qualities I would pretty much say that a best friend requires 'now'. But if you had asked me this same question when I was 10 years old, my answer would have been different.

I would have said:

1. One who helps me in maths exam
2. One who sits next to me in class
3. Who lets me ride their bicycle

Some may agree with me in the above points, some may disagree. Those who disagree with me will have another set of qualities to define 'their' best friend. This is exactly what I am trying to say, situation BEST varies from person to person, and from time to time. So in my opinion I think it is hypothetical and it doesn't exist in reality. It is subjective and not definite. It is a variable component which varies with factors like time, age, brought up, mentality, moods etc.

So, there is no world's best friend or world's best husband or world's best lover or world's best bike or what so ever.. That moment 'you' or a crew of people, think that is the world's best, but in reality one month before or after that, we may not feel the same way about it. Being at its best and not being at its best is in 'you'. How you see it. It clearly depends on an individual's perception and nothing externally more to it. What you feel as best, could be further refined and made much more better than your best, by someone else. The truth is, you have restricted yourself, with putting an end to it, calling "its the best." This is my theory on how 'best' doesn't exist. Hence proved.

Hypothesis is from maths. If we are able to relate maths and science into everything we do and into everything we live, we would be able to get to the bottom of all unanswered questions.

But, will there be any fun in living, when we know answers to all questions?

Trying to prove everything with physics and maths, will actually make us overlook our feelings like: friendship, love, affection, appreciation, recognition etc, because, we are constantly trying to evaluate situations and people. Evaluating and validating will only make us highly calculative, greedy and as we grow older, we will only be left with those freaking gadgets without any friends, cousins, relatives or anybody at all.To avoid a lonely depressive future, lets smile at our mistakes, learn to appreciate people, love unconditionally.

For all of us certain things are at its best, no doubts, they are priceless, no value can be attributed to it like: Mother's love. Certain people are irreplaceable in our lives. Putting all the hypothesis aside as information, lets just make every day the 'best' !

All the BEST!

Thank You.


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