Friday 27 November 2015

My Hindi

Hello Listeners,

I hope you all are doing great. This audio is a small narration on a couple of instances, where I regretted not knowing the language Hindi, to read and write.

Technically this audio is a little more upgraded than my previous one.

Here, I would like to sincerely thank Mr.S.Srinivasan also called as Echo Srinivasan , a professional Sound Engineer and my uncle, for having the patience to teach me recording, editing, noise reduction and many more software usages. Unlike the previous audios, which was edited by me, with a lot of acceptable reconciliations, this audio was edited by him fully, while I sat beside him and learnt how to do it in a professional manner.

Listen to this and let me know your valuable comments!!

Thank You.


Thursday 26 November 2015

Breakfast - The most important meal of the day

Breakfast simply means: Breaking the fast.

After a long break from previous day's dinner, and post 8 hours of sleep, the next meal, break fast, should be had within 2 hours of waking-up.

We all put every other work in our priority list in the morning, except having a nutritious breakfast. Why is it that hard for us, that we cannot take one extra step towards a healthy lifestyle?

What happens when you don't have breakfast:

1. You tend to eat more on the next meal, i.e. lunch.
2. Your body needs nutrients and depriving the body's need doesn't help you maintain body weight.
3. You tend to be hungry which leads to: irritation, anger, head aches, acidity, raise in blood sugar and blood pressure levels with a mid-day slump.
4. When you skip breakfast certain essential vitamins and minerals requirements which your body needs in the morning to get started are lost totally, this is less likely to be made up during other meals.

Solution to this : Getting up 10 minutes early and setting aside this time for your breakfast.

Your not someone who wanted to be taken care off or does being dependent even while you are sick, bothers you? Then, you better start having a healthy breakfast and make it a routine.

With what you build your body today, is how healthy you are today, tomorrow and in the future..

Dedicating this to all my friends who skip breakfast, because they have a very busy schedule in the morning that they do not have 10 minutes for themselves!!!


Saturday 21 November 2015

Jeni and Me - Sound Cloud Track

Hello Everyone,

Its been a while that, I have not uploaded any voice track.. So, here's one with a little more technically upgraded than my previous voice tracks.. I just hope you all enjoy it !!!


Saturday 7 November 2015

Einstein's contract with his wife Mileva Maric

Albert Einstein (14th March 1879 - 18th April 1955):
A German born, physicist, who developed the Theory of Relativity and mass-energy equivalence formula, the famous E = mchad married Mileva Maric from 1903 to 1919, a former fellow student of Einstein and Elsa Lowenthal from 1919 to 1936.

The professional success of Einstein came with a price costing his personal life, he became estranged from his wife Mileva Maric. The couple initially tried to sort their differences and stay together, for the sake of their two sons Hans Albert and Eduard. In an effort to this Einstein also proposed a 'weird' contract with his wife, so that the relationship could progress. 

Below mentioned is the excerpt of the contract:
A. You will make sure
1. that my clothes and laundry are kept in good order;
2. that I will receive my three meals regularly in my room;
3. that my bedroom and study are kept neat, and especially that my desk is left for my use only.
B. You will renounce all personal relations with me insofar as they are not completely necessary for social reasons... you will stop talking to me if I request it.

Einstein later wrote to her again that, "Personal aspects must be reduced to a tiny remnant."  He also mentioned that "In return, I assure you of proper comportment on my part, such as I would exercise to any woman as a stranger." Initially Mileva Maric accepted the conditions and she took care of her husband Einstein, the way he wanted it to be, but later she felt intolerable and miserable that she existed from the contract.

Einstein, a Noble prize winner in Physics in 1921, who had the potential to develop an atom bomb, framed one of the most strangest relationship contract's in history. So, next time when we don't understand relationships and get them right, lets just think we are not alone in this even Einstein couldn't get this part right !!!


Tuesday 3 November 2015

Story behind Joan's Rainbow Cake

There was once a french women Joan, so madly, truly and deeply in love with a soldier who was fighting for the Second World War (1939-1945).

The soldier informed Joan about his arrival, so to surprise her love on the day of his arrival, she baked a delicious strawberry cake and awaited for him, but he never turned up.

Little disappointed, on the next day Joan baked a pista cake, anticipating her love would return at least today, but the soldier did not return.

Still Joan did not give up, she joined the two cakes with cream and continued to wait.

On the third day she baked an orange cake and was excited that any moment her loving soldier would return, but he did not return the whole of third day.

Joan was extremely disappointed and went to bed that night with a heavy heart.

The next morning the soldier was at Joan's door with a bunch of chocolates to surprise her.

Joan then joined all the three cakes, melted the chocolates the soldier had got, poured it over the cake and they both ate it happily, celebrating their love.

I heard this story from a Tamil film (Un Samayal Arayil). I liked it very much that I wanted to share. What surprised me more was Joan's patience...

Passing through that waiting time... 
Those minutes... those hours... second by second..

They would have almost been like 'Forever' !!!


Sunday 1 November 2015

Solution to those who cannot tell a "NO"

This is one of my grey areas. Not just for me, for many others too. Telling a 'no' and rejecting someone's idea or offer is one difficult task to accomplish (at least for me). Even today, I cannot put my foot down and strongly tell a 'no' to anyone immediately. Even to the least known friends of mine. So, I reluctantly end up doing it, but over a period of time we get exploited by this inability.

It was then, I figured out, the real problem is:

Telling a no right over someone's face immediately was difficult for me and getting a 'no' as response is difficult for them. There's disagreement and strain.

So, the solution to this is 'buying time'... With time they understand its a 'No.'
People buy time to tell 'No'.. Nobody want's to listen to rejection immediately!! 

Lets not keep others expectation high.. Nobody likes surprises in this. Giving hints like: "I'll confirm later.." or "I'll see.." or "I'll try.." really helps.. 

Try this you'll know difference.

Have fun!!!
